
Menampilkan postingan dari September, 2020

How to Make Perfect Bakso Aci 🍄Jamur kuping🍄

Bakso Aci 🍄Jamur kuping🍄 . You can cook Bakso Aci 🍄Jamur kuping🍄 using 13 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Bakso Aci 🍄Jamur kuping🍄 Prepare 3-4 of lembarJamur kuping. It's 100 gr of tepung tapioka. You need 150 gr of tepung terigu. It's of Kaldu jamur. It's of Garam. Prepare of Bahan kuah. You need 2 siung of bawang putih. It's 1 sdm of bawang goreng. It's of Air. Prepare of Bahan pelengkap. Prepare 1 lembar of Mihun jagung (mihun putih) rendam dg air panas. You need 2 btg of daun bawang. Prepare 3 btg of seledri. Bakso Aci 🍄Jamur kuping🍄 step by step Cacah jamur kuping yang sudah d rendam air sebelumnya.. Masukkan tepung tapioka dan terigu ke cacahan jamur dan beri bumbu. Lalu tambahkan air panas ke adonan cilok. Uleni sampai kalis dan tidak lengket di tangan. Kemudian bulat2 d...

Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Mangut Lele Kemangi

Mangut Lele Kemangi . You can cook Mangut Lele Kemangi using 19 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Kemangi It's 1 kg of ikan lele (8 ekor). It's 1 ikat of kemangi. It's 3 bh of cabe rawit. Prepare 1 bh of tomat. It's 7 bh of bawang merah. It's 5 siung of bawang putih. You need 2 of kemiri. Prepare 1/2 sdt of ketumbar bubuk. Prepare 1/2 sdt of lada bubuk. Prepare 1/2 sdt of kunyit bubuk. It's 5 lmbr of daun salam. You need 5 lmbr of daun jeruk. It's 1 bh of sereh. It's 1 jempol of lengkuas. Prepare 1 bh of jeruk nipis (sy 1/2bh lemon). Prepare 1 sdm of Gula. Prepare 1 sdm of Garam. It's 1/2 sdt of kaldu jamur. You need 600 ml of air. Mangut Lele Kemangi instructions Cuci ikan lele lalu beri perasan jeruk nipis, diamkan 30 menit.. G...

How to Prepare Perfect Bakso Aci Boci Sederhana Porsi Kecil

Bakso Aci Boci Sederhana Porsi Kecil . You can have Bakso Aci Boci Sederhana Porsi Kecil using 19 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Bakso Aci Boci Sederhana Porsi Kecil Prepare of Bakso. Prepare 5 sdm of tepung tapioka. Prepare 3 sdm of tepung terigu. You need 2 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam. Prepare 1 sdt of penyedap rasa sapi. It's 1,5 sdt of msg. You need of Kuah. Prepare 3 siung of bawah merah. You need 1 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 3 buah of cabe rawit (sesuai selera). It's secukupnya of air. Prepare secukupnya of minyak. It's secukupnya of garam. It's secukupnya of penyedap rasa ayam. Prepare secukupnya of msg. It's secubit of gula. Prepare of jeruk. You need of cabe bubuk (saya pakai boncabe ini sesuai selera ya). Bakso Aci Boci Sederhana Porsi Kecil step by s...

Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious Mangut Lele Kemangi

Mangut Lele Kemangi . You can cook Mangut Lele Kemangi using 22 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Kemangi It's 8-9 ekor of lele. You need 1 lt of santan, jgn terlalu encer. You need of Jeruk nipis. It's of Kemangi. It's 1 batang of serai geprek. It's of Lengkuas geprek. Prepare 2 of lembar daun jeruk. It's 2 lembar of daun salam / boleh skip. Prepare sesuai selera of Cabai rawit utuh. You need of Tomat / potong². It's of Bumbu halus. It's of Bawang merah. Prepare of Bawang putih. You need sesuai selera of Cabai rawit. It's 1 sdt of ketumbar. You need 1 ruas of kunyit. Prepare 1 ruas of jahe. It's 5 butir of kemiri. It's Sejumput of gula merah. Prepare secukupnya of Garam. You need of Penyedap. It's of Minyak untuk menumis. Mangut...

Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Bakso Aci Kuah Pedas

Bakso Aci Kuah Pedas . You can cook Bakso Aci Kuah Pedas using 23 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Bakso Aci Kuah Pedas It's of Bahan pentol aci. You need of tepung tapioka. It's of tepung terigu. You need of air mendidih. It's of bawang putih. Prepare of bawang merah goreng. It's of Merica. You need of Garam dan penyedap. It's of daun bawang cincang halus. You need of Bahan kuah. Prepare of air. Prepare of ayam, potong potong untuk kaldu. You need of bawang putih, iris tipis lalu goreng. You need of Merica. Prepare of seledri, cincang. You need of bawang prei, cincang. It's of cabe rawit merah. You need of cabe besar. It's of Garam dan penyedap. You need of Pelengkap. Prepare of Kulit pangsit goreng. Prepare of tahu. It's of cabe rawit merah...

Recipe: Perfect Mangut lele

Mangut lele . Lihat juga resep Manggut lele enak lainnya. Mangut lele (Hanacaraka: ꦩꦔꦸꦠ꧀ ꦊꦊ) merupakan menu khas dari daerah "Mataraman" (Yogya-Solo) dan Semarang-Kendal. Sesuai dengan namanya, komposisi utamanya adalah lele goreng, yang diberi bumbu mangut. Garingnya lele dengan bumbu mangut yang enak dan. Salah satu makanan khas Matraman (Jogja-Solo) dan Semarang ini mirip seperti Pecel Lele tapi diberikan bumbu Mangut. Nah berbicara masalah mangut lele yang legendaris di Jogja ada satu nama yakni warung dari Mbah Marto. You can have Mangut lele using 19 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut lele It's 1 kg of lele. Prepare 1/2 of tahu putih ukuran besar. Prepare 1 bh of daun bawang. Prepare 1 bh of tomat, potong2. It's Secukupnya of gula garam n kaldu jamur. It's 5 bh of daun jeruk. You need 2 bh of daun salam. You need 2 bh of sereh geprek. ...

How to Prepare Yummy Resep kuah bakso aci/cilok kuah segar 😊

Resep kuah bakso aci/cilok kuah segar 😊 . Resep Bakso Aci - Berawal dari saya yang doyan banget sama bakso aci. Sensasi kenyal dan gurihnya bakso aci mirip sekali dengan cilok. Nah bagi yang ingin membuat bakso aci kuah garut yang enak, kenyal dan tidak alot, berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Resep Bakso Aci nya. Banyak varian resep kuah bakso yang bisa kamu jajal di rumah. Karena banyak sekali varian dan inovasinya cara membuat kuah bakso pun jadi banyak dan berbeda-beda. Nah jika kamu selama ini penasaran bagaimana tukang bakso menyajikan bakso dengan kuah yang begitu lezat, berikut ini. You can cook Resep kuah bakso aci/cilok kuah segar 😊 using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Resep kuah bakso aci/cilok kuah segar 😊 It's of Beberapa buah cilok atau bakso aci, resep di bawah 😉 (lihat resep). You need 3 buah of bakso sapi kecil. Prepare 3 buah of batagor kering. You need ...

Recipe: Tasty Seblak kering

Seblak kering . You can have Seblak kering using 5 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Seblak kering Prepare 2 genggam of kerupuk bintang. Prepare 1 siung of baput. You need 3 lembar of daun jeruk. You need secukupnya of Garam dan penyedap. You need secukupnya of Minyak untuk menggoreng. Seblak kering instructions Masukkan kerupuk dalam minyak dingin. Nyalakan kompor dg api yg sangat kecil.. Aduk aduk kerupuk jgn sampai mengembang ya bun, apinya tetap kecil.. Iris halus daun jeruk dan goreng hingga kering, awas gosong. Cincang halus baput lalu goreng hingga kering tambahkan bahan yg lain aduk aduk hingga merata. Jika mau pedas tinggal ditambah bubuk cabe. Ini gk alot y bun, kriuk kriuk namun krupuknya tidak digoreng sampai mengembang.

Recipe: Tasty Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 20 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele It's 7 ekor of lele (saya pakai 4 ekor). Prepare Segenggam of kemangi, ambil daunnya. Prepare 2 lembar of daun salam. It's 2 lembar of daun jeruk. You need 1 batang of serai, digeprek. Prepare 1 ruas jari of lengkuas, digeprek. Prepare 1/2 bungkus of kara instan 65ml. It's 10 buah of cabe kecil (saya skip). You need 1/2-1 buah of jeruk nipis, peras dan ambil airnya. You need of Minyak untuk menggoreng dan menumis. Prepare Secukupnya of air. It's of Bumbu Halus:. It's 4 siung of bawang putih. You need 3 siung of bawang putih. You need 2 butir of kemiri. Prepare 1 ruas jari of kencur. Prepare 1 ruas jari of kunyit. You need 3 buah of cabe merah (saya hanya 1 buah). It's 1/2 sdt of ketumbar bubuk. ...

Recipe: Yummy Baso Aci

Baso Aci . You can cook Baso Aci using 15 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Baso Aci You need of Baso Aci. You need 50 gram of tepung terigu. It's 50 gram of tepung sagu/tapioka. Prepare 1 siung of bawang putih, haluskan. You need 75 ml of air. Prepare of Daun bawang iris tipis. You need of Garam. You need of Kaldu jamur. Prepare of Kuah Baso. It's 3 buah of cabe merah keriting. You need 1 siung of bawang putih. Prepare of Jeruk nipis, jika tidak suka asam bisa skip. It's of air. It's of Garam. Prepare of Kaldu jamur. Baso Aci instructions Baso aci : didihkan air dengan bawang putih halus. Campur semua bahan baso aci, lalu masukan sedikit demi sedikit air rebusan bawang putih ulenin (bisa pakai sendok karena panas) hingga kalis / bisa di bentuk baso. Didihkan air tambah sedik...

How to Prepare Perfect 21. Mangut Lele

21. Mangut Lele . You can have 21. Mangut Lele using 23 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of 21. Mangut Lele It's 8 ekor of lele, boleh utuh atau dipotong menjadi 2. It's 350 ml of santan. Prepare 10 bh of cabe rawit merah. You need 1 btg of sereh. You need 5 lbr of daun salam. Prepare 3 lbr of daun jeruk. You need 1 ruas of jahe (geprek). It's 2 bh of belimbing wuluh, belah jadi 2. It's 2 buah of wortel, potong korek api. Prepare Secukupnya of garam,gula dan penyedap rasa. It's of Bumbu Marinasi. It's 1 sdt of garam. Prepare 1/2 sdt of ketumbar bubuk. You need Secukupnya of air jeruk nipis. Prepare of Bumbu yg Dihaluskan. It's 10 bh of cabe merah keriting. It's 8 bh of cabe rawit. You need 5 siung of bawang merah. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih. It's 1 ruas of kunyit. P...

Recipe: Tasty Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can cook Mangut Lele using 21 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele It's 6 ekor of lele. You need 1 ikat of daun kemangi. Prepare 2 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 2 lembar of daun jeruk. You need 1 batang of serai (geprek). Prepare 1 ruas jari of lengkuas (geprek). It's 1/2 bungkus of santan instan (35 ml). It's 600-700 ml of air. You need 10 buah of cabe rawit utuh. Prepare of Bumbu halus. You need 4 siung of bawang merah. It's 3 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 2 butir of kemiri. Prepare 1 ruas jari of kencur. It's 1 ruas jari of kunyit. You need 3 buah of cabe merah keriting. It's 3 buah of cabe rawit merah. Prepare 1/2 sdt of ketumbar bubuk. You need 1 sdm of garam. Prepare 1 sdt of gula jawa. Prepare 1/2 sdt of kaldu bubuk. Mangut Lele instruction...

How to Cook Tasty Baso Aci Endeus

Baso Aci Endeus . You can have Baso Aci Endeus using 15 ingredients and 18 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Baso Aci Endeus Prepare 150 ml of air. You need 3 sdm of Tepung Terigu. You need 20 sdm of Tepung Tapioka. You need of Kaldu bubuk. It's secukupnya of Garam. Prepare of Daun bawang. It's of Bahan kuah. You need of Kaldu daging (hasil rebusan daging). You need 7 siung of bawaang putih. You need 3 siung of bawang merah. You need sesuai selera of Cabai. It's 1 sachet of kaldu bubuk. You need secukupnya of Garam. You need of Daun bawang. Prepare of Daun jeruk. Baso Aci Endeus step by step Campurkan kaldu, tepung terigu dan air. Rebus hingga terkstur seperti pasta. Angkat. Secara bertahap masukkan tepung tapioka dan aduk adonan dengan spatula. Masukkan d...

How to Make Delicious Seblak Tulang Jeletot

Seblak Tulang Jeletot . You can cook Seblak Tulang Jeletot using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Seblak Tulang Jeletot Prepare 1 kg of tulang ayam. It's 3 buah of telur ayam. Prepare 2 ruas of kencur (sesuai selera). Prepare 10 of cabe rawit merah. Prepare 10 of cabe merah besar. Prepare of Garam. It's of Gula. Prepare 5 siung of bawah putih. You need of Kunyit sedikit (optional). You need of Kecap manis. Prepare of Penyedap Rasa (saya pakai Maggie). It's of Daun jeruk. Seblak Tulang Jeletot instructions Blender halus semua bahan (bawang dan cabai) kemudian tumis sampai matang. Sebelumnya sudah rebus tulang ayam sampai empuk ditambah garam dan daun jeruk agar tidak bau amis. Setelah tumisan matang, tambahkan air ke dalam tumisan. Kemudian masukkan tulang yg sudah direbus....

Recipe: Perfect Mangut Lele Anjayy Enak!!!

Mangut Lele Anjayy Enak!!! . You can cook Mangut Lele Anjayy Enak!!! using 18 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Anjayy Enak!!! You need 7 ekor of lele. It's Segenggam of daun kemangi (petik). Prepare 2 lbr of daun salam. You need 1 btg of sereh. It's 2 lbr of daun jeruk. You need 1 ruas jari of lengkuas (geprek). Prepare 1/2 bh of kara instan. It's 10 bh of cabe rawit utuh. It's of Bumbu halus :. Prepare 4 siung of bawang merah. It's 3 siung of bawang putih. You need 2 btr of kemiri. You need 1 ruas jari of kencur. You need 1 ruas jari of kunyit. Prepare 3 bh of cabe merah keriting. It's 3 bh of cabe rawit merah. It's 1/2 sdt of ketumbar bubuk. It's Secukupnya of garam, gula dan kaldu bubuk. Mangut Lele Anjayy Enak!!! instructions Goreng kering lele yg sudah di...

How to Make Tasty Seblak sawi dan crabstick

Seblak sawi dan crabstick . Lihat juga resep Stok bumbu seblak (ide jualan) enak lainnya. Seblak Crabstik merupakan makanan instan yang mudah dibuat. Bahan bahan: - Kerupuk Pelangi - Bawang Merah - Bawang Putih - Bawang Bombay - Daun Cara membuat ada di videonya, selamat menonton. Demikian bahan dan cara membuat seblak yang dapat kamu praktekkan sendiri di rumah. kamu pun dapat menyesuaikan tingkat kepedasannya sesuai dengan seleramu. Ada seblak kering, seblak mie, seblak ceker, seblak macaroni, seblak bakso, seblak kerupuk dan masih banyak lagi. Jika Anda malas untuk keluar hanya untuk mencari jajanan yang satu ini, maka Anda dapat mencobanya membuat sendiri di rumah. You can cook Seblak sawi dan crabstick using 11 ingredients and 1 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Seblak sawi dan crabstick It's of kencur. It's of sawi. It's of Crab. It's of Tempura. Prepare of Otak otak. You need ...

How to Cook Delicious Seblak Bandung ala Thesa

Seblak Bandung ala Thesa . You can have Seblak Bandung ala Thesa using 16 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Seblak Bandung ala Thesa Prepare 2 buah of sosis. Prepare 1 genggam of kerupuk udang (bebas). Prepare 1 genggam of makaroni. You need 1 bks of mie keriting (bks kecil). You need 1 ikat of sawi hijau. You need 1/2 of bawang bombay. It's 3 sdm of minyak goreng utk menumis. It's 500 ml of air / sesuaikan selera. Prepare of garam, lada, penyedap rasa ayam. It's of bumbu halus :. It's 5 siung of bawang merah. You need 2 siung of bawang putih. It's 2 butir of kemiri. You need 1 ruas jari of kencur. You need 3 buah of cabe keriting. It's 6 buah of cabe rawit (sesuai selera). Seblak Bandung ala Thesa instructions Siapkan bahan, potong2 sosis, sawi dan rebus kerupuk + makaroni selama 10 me...

Recipe: Delicious Mangut Lele Tempe Tahu

Mangut Lele Tempe Tahu . You can have Mangut Lele Tempe Tahu using 19 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Tempe Tahu You need 1/2 kg of ikan lele. You need 1/4 papan of tempe. It's 1/4 kg of terong (saya skip). Prepare 1/2 kotak of tahu cina (tambahan dari saya). You need 1/4 kg of santan murni. Prepare of Cabe rawit hijau (saya skip). It's 1 batang of daun sereh. You need 1 ruas of lengkuas. You need 1 lembar of Daun salam. It's Secukupnya of garam. You need Secukupnya of gula pasir. You need of Bumbu halus. You need 5 butir of bawang merah. You need 4 butir of bawang putih. Prepare 5 buah of cabe keriting. Prepare 1 buah of kunyit. Prepare 1 buah of jahe. It's 3 butir of kemiri. It's sejumput of lada. Mangut Lele Tempe Tahu step by step Saya beli lele bumbu ung...

Easiest Way to Prepare Perfect Seblak Batagor Telur #33

Seblak Batagor Telur #33 . You can have Seblak Batagor Telur #33 using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Seblak Batagor Telur #33 You need of batagor mini kering. Prepare of otak otak kering. Prepare of sosis. It's of telur. Prepare of Bumbu halus. Prepare of bawang putih. You need of kencur. It's of cabe rawit. You need of Bon cabe. You need of Minyak goreng. Prepare of Air. It's of Garam. It's of Kaldu bubuk. Prepare of gula pasir. Seblak Batagor Telur #33 instructions Potong potong sosis dan otak otak kering. Haluskan bawang putih, kencur dan cabe rawit.. Tumis bumbu hingga matang, tambahkan 1 gelas air, tunggu agak panas, masukan telur, masak hingga telur matang, jangan diaduk aduk. Masukan batagor, otak otak dan sosis, aduk rata, tambahkan garam, kaldu bubuk, gula p...

Recipe: Tasty Seblak Ceker Eggless

Seblak Ceker Eggless . You can cook Seblak Ceker Eggless using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Seblak Ceker Eggless You need 1 genggam of kerupuk mentah. You need 10 buah of ceker ayam. Prepare 5 of daun sawi hijau. Prepare 1/2 of daun jeruk. Buang tulangnya lalu iris tipis (boleh skip). Prepare 1 sdm of kecap manis. It's Secukupnya of garam. Prepare Secukupnya of minyak goreng. It's of Bumbu halus:. You need 4 buah of cabai keriting. You need 9 buah of cabai rawit. You need 4 siung of bawang putih. You need 2 buah of bawang merah. You need 1/2 jari of telunjuk kencur. Seblak Ceker Eggless step by step Cuci bersih ceker ayam, sekalian hilangkan kukunya. Masukkan ke dalam panci, beri air secukupnya (sampai merendam) beri 1 sdt garam. Rebus sampai mendidih dalam panci yang tertutup dengan api kecil kurang lebih 30 menit....

Recipe: Perfect Mangut lele nila ala yogyakarta

Mangut lele nila ala yogyakarta . You can cook Mangut lele nila ala yogyakarta using 25 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Mangut lele nila ala yogyakarta Prepare 1 kg of lele. Prepare 1 kg of ikan nila. It's of Bahan marinasi ikan:. It's 6 siung of bawang. Prepare 1 sdm of garam. You need 1 sdm of ketumbar. It's of Bumbu halus:. You need 12 siung of bawang merah. You need 6 siung of bawang putih. You need 10-15 of cabe keriting. It's 6 butir of kemiri, sangrai. It's of Bahan lainnya:. It's 4 cm of kencur, geprek. You need 4 cm of jahe, geprek. Prepare 4 cm of lengkuas, geprek. You need 4 lembar of daun salam, remas. You need 4 pcs of serai, geprek. Prepare 4-5 pcs of daun jeruk, remas. You need 2 sisir of petai, belah 2. Prepare 1/2 keping of gula jawa. It's Secukupnya of c...

Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Seblak Kering / Renyah / Gampang

Seblak Kering / Renyah / Gampang . You can cook Seblak Kering / Renyah / Gampang using 7 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Seblak Kering / Renyah / Gampang It's of Kerupuk bawang. It's of Minyak goreng. You need of Bawang putih. Prepare of Kencur (sesuai selera). It's of Daun jeruk. It's of Bubuk Kaldu (royco). You need of Bubuk cabai. Seblak Kering / Renyah / Gampang step by step Kupas & cuci bawang putih, kencur, daun jeruk. Kemudian Iris bawang putih dan kencur, dan buang tulang (bagian tengah) daun jeruk.. Goreng satu per satu dengan api kecil, sampai cukup kering (tidak sampai gosong),. Haluskan bawang putih, kencur, daun jeruk yg sudah digoreng td, tambahkan kaldu bubuk dan cabai bubuk (bumbu sudah selesai). Rendam kerupuk bawang ±30 menit dalam minyak goreng. Pastikan k...

Easiest Way to Cook Yummy Seblak Kuah Pedasss

Seblak Kuah Pedasss . You can have Seblak Kuah Pedasss using 22 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Seblak Kuah Pedasss Prepare 2 genggam of Fusilli/macaroni. You need 2 genggam of krupuk orange. It's 2 bh of Sosis. You need 3 bh of Bakso. You need 5 ptg of tulang ayam. It's 4 bh of ceker ayam. You need Sepotong of Kikil. It's 2 bh of telor. It's secukupnya of Kembang kol. It's 1 btg of daun bawang. Prepare 1/2 bh of tomat merah. You need 5 lbr of sawi putih. Prepare 1/2 sdt of garam. Prepare 1 sdt of kaldu bubuk. You need 1/4 sdt of lada bubuk. Prepare 700 ml of Air. Prepare of Bumbu Halus :. You need 5 bh of Bawang merah. You need 3 bh of Bawang putih. It's 7 bh of Cabe merah keriting. Prepare 5 bh of Cabe rawit merah. It's 1 ruas of kencur. Seblak Kuah Pedasss ...

Recipe: Perfect 165. Mi nyemek ala seblak

165. Mi nyemek ala seblak . You can cook 165. Mi nyemek ala seblak using 14 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of 165. Mi nyemek ala seblak You need 1 bungkus of mie telur. It's 1 batang of wortel. You need 5 lembar of sawi putih. Prepare 1 bh of tomat. Prepare 1 sdt of garam. It's 1/2 sdt of gula pasir. Prepare 1 sdt of kaldu bubuk (jika suka). You need of Bumbu halus :. You need 5 of bawang merah. Prepare 2 of bawang putih. You need 1 ruas besar of kencur. It's 3 of kemiri. It's 5 of cabe rawit merah (blh ditambah atau dikurangi sesuai selera). You need 500 ml of air. 165. Mi nyemek ala seblak instructions Siapkan dan haluskan bumbu2. Potong2 tomat dan sisihkan. Rebus mie telur sampai matang (2 menit). Wortel diiris spt korek api. Sawi putih dirajang kasar. Tumis bumbu ...

Easiest Way to Make Perfect Baso Aci Buna Kiran

Baso Aci Buna Kiran . You can cook Baso Aci Buna Kiran using 9 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Baso Aci Buna Kiran It's 1/4 of ayam fillet. You need 1/4 of tepung kanji. You need 2 ons of tepung terigu. You need 2 of sihung bawang putih. Prepare 4 sdm of penyedap rasa. You need 1 sdt of merica bubuk. You need of daun bawang. It's of cabe keriting. You need of cabe rawit merah. Baso Aci Buna Kiran step by step Rebus ayam fillet kemudian suir ayam sesuai selera.. Blender cabai keriting, cabai rawit merah dan bawang putih. Setelah di blender tumis campuran bahan hingga harum, kemudian masukan ayam yg telah di suir. Aduk2 hingga matang. Didihkan air yg ditambah ulekan bawang putih.. Siapkan tepung kanji, tepung terigu, merica bubuk, daun bawang dan penyedap rasa. Aduk2 hingga tercam...

How to Cook Perfect Bakso Aci

Bakso Aci . You can cook Bakso Aci using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Bakso Aci Prepare of tepung tapioka. It's of tepung terigu. You need of tahu potong segitiga. It's of bawang putih, haluskan. It's of garam dan kaldu bubuk. Prepare of Bumbu halus (untuk kuah):. Prepare of bawang putih. It's of bawang merah. You need of cabe merah keriting. Prepare of cabe merah. It's of garam, gula, air dan kaldu bubuk. Prepare of jeruk limo. Bakso Aci instructions Siapkan semua bahan2... Masukkan bawang putih yg telah halus, garam, dan kaldu bubuk ke dalam air lalu rebus air hingga mendidih... Masukkan tepung tapioka dan tepung terigu ke dalam wadah lalu beri air panas tadi dan aduk2 hingga merata.. diamkan dlu hingga agak dingin... Bulatkan adona...

How to Prepare Yummy Mangut Lele (tanpa di asap)

Mangut Lele (tanpa di asap) . You can cook Mangut Lele (tanpa di asap) using 19 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele (tanpa di asap) It's 4 ekor of ikan lele. You need 2 sdm of bumbu ikan goreng instan (racik). You need of minyak goreng utk menggoreng ikan. Prepare 3 siung of bawang merah. Prepare 1 siung of bawang putih. You need 2 bj of kemiri. It's 1 cm of lengkuas. Prepare 2 cm of jahe. You need 2 cm of kunyit. Prepare 1 btg of sereh, di geprek. You need 2 lembar of daun jeruk. It's 1 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 1 sdt of garam. You need 1 sdm of gula. You need 7 biji of cabe rawit (5 bj diiris, 2 bj utuh). You need 1 buah of tomat uk sedang, iris. It's of Bahan tambahan. You need 1/2 sdt of garam masala. You need 1 sachet of santan cair instan 65ml (kara) + 300ml air. Mangut ...

Easiest Way to Make Yummy Seblak no debat

Seblak no debat . You can cook Seblak no debat using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Seblak no debat It's 1/4 of makroni campur. Prepare 1 butir of telut. It's sesuai selera of Sawi hijau. Prepare sesuai selera of Bakso. It's of ~bumbu~. You need 2 siung of baput. You need 2 siung of bamer. It's secukupnya of Garam, gula, penyedap rasa,lada bubuk. It's 5 of Cabai keriting. Prepare 2 of cabai setan. Prepare secukupnya of Boncabe. Seblak no debat instructions Haluskan baput, bamer, cabai. Tumis sampai harum, masukkan air tambahkan lada, gula, penyedap rasa, boncabe. Masukkan sawi hijau, bakso, telur dan makroni yang sudah direbus. Cek rasa... Siap disajikan... Gak ribet kan bun... Selamat mencoba.

Easiest Way to Make Perfect Seblak Super Pedas 👍

Seblak Super Pedas 👍 . You can cook Seblak Super Pedas 👍 using 12 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Seblak Super Pedas 👍 It's of mie. You need of telur. It's of sawi ijo / putih. Prepare of bakso. Prepare of sosis. It's of bawang merah. You need of bawang putih. It's of cabe keriting. You need of rawit merah. It's of garam. You need of merica. It's of daun bawang. Seblak Super Pedas 👍 instructions Rebus mie hingga matang. Haluskan semua bumbu bawang & cabe, lalu tumis hingga harum. Masukkan telur yg sudah dikocok, aduk hingga matang, lalu masukkan sosis & bakso, aduk rata.. Masukkan sawi lalu tambahkan air hingga terendam, masak hingga layu.. Masukkan mie yg sudah direbus, lalu masukkan bumbu mie sesuai seler...

Recipe: Appetizing Mangut Lele Asap

Mangut Lele Asap . You can have Mangut Lele Asap using 27 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Asap Prepare 4 ekor of lele asap. Prepare 1 sachet of santan instan. Prepare 1 genggam of daun kemangi. Prepare 400 ml of air. It's 3 sdm of minyak goreng. You need of Bumbu halus. It's 5 siung of bawang merah. You need 3 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 5 of cabai merah keriting/rawit. It's 4 butir of kemiri. Prepare 1 sdt of ketumbar. It's 1 ruas of kunyit. Prepare 1/2 jempol of kencur. Prepare secukupnya of garam. You need of Bumbu cemplung. It's 1 ruas of jahe (geprek). You need 1 ruas of lengkuas (geprek). It's 1 buah of sereh (geprek). You need 3 lembar of daun jeruk (sobek). Prepare 2 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 3 siung of bawang merah (iris). Prepare 2 siung of b...

How to Cook Delicious Mangut Lele Khas Yogyakarta

Mangut Lele Khas Yogyakarta . You can cook Mangut Lele Khas Yogyakarta using 30 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Khas Yogyakarta Prepare 1 kg of ikan lele. Prepare 1 sdm of garam + 2 biji jeruk nipis. You need of Minyak goreng. Prepare of Bumbu ikan lele goreng :. You need 2 ruas of kunyit. Prepare 6 siung of bawang putih. It's 1 sdm of ketumbar bubuk. It's 1 sdm munjung of garam. Prepare of Bumbu halus :. Prepare 10 siung of bawang merah. You need 5 siung of bawang putih. It's 2 ruas of kunyit. Prepare 4 biji of kemiri. Prepare 10 buah of cabe rawit. It's 5 buah of cabe kriting. You need 1 ruas telunjuk of kencur. Prepare 1 sdm of ketumbar bubuk. You need of Bahan lainnya :. Prepare 1 sdm of kaldu bubuk. It's 3 of cabe hijau besar, potong. It's 7 of cabe rawit utuh....

How to Make Delicious Baso aci (boci)

Baso aci (boci) . You can have Baso aci (boci) using 17 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Baso aci (boci) Prepare of BAHAN BASO ACI:. It's 150 gr of tepung terigu. Prepare 150 gr of tepung tapioka. It's of Daging ayam (untuk isi baso aci, bisa diganti dengan yang lain). It's 2 siung of bawang putih(haluskan). You need 1 batang of daun bawang(iris tipis). Prepare 300 ml of air. It's 1 sdt of garam. It's of Lada bubuk (secukupnya). It's of Kaldu bubuk (secukupnya). It's of BAHAN KUAH:. It's 2 siung of bawang putih (haluskan). You need 1 lt of air. Prepare of Garam (secukupnya). It's of Kaldu bubuk (secukupnya). Prepare 1 batang of daun bawang (iris). Prepare of Daun jeruk (jika tidak suka tidak usah pakai). Baso aci (boci) instructions Masukan tepung terigu, 2 siung b...

Recipe: Appetizing Mangut lele kemangi pedas

Mangut lele kemangi pedas . You can cook Mangut lele kemangi pedas using 21 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Mangut lele kemangi pedas Prepare 9 ekor of lele. It's 1 ikat of daun kemangi. It's 2 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 3 lembar of daun jeruk. Prepare 1 batang of sereh geprek. You need 1 ruas of lengkuas geprek. It's 65 ml of santan instan. It's of Bumbu halus :. Prepare 8 of bawang merah. Prepare 3 of bawang putih. You need 8 of cabe merah besar. You need 13 of cabe rawit. You need 1 ruas of kencur. It's 2 of kemiri. You need 2 ruas of kunyit. Prepare 1/2 sdt of ketumbar. You need secukupnya of Air. Prepare secukupnya of Minyak goreng. It's secukupnya of Gula, garam,. It's Sedikit of merica. Prepare of Jeruk nipis. Mangut lele kemangi pedas step by step ...

Recipe: Delicious Seblak putih pedas

Seblak putih pedas . You can cook Seblak putih pedas using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Seblak putih pedas It's 1/2 bungkus of mie kering. It's 3/4 of kerupuk bawang yg sdh direndam. Prepare 3 sdm of minyak. It's 2 batang of sosis. You need 1 butir of telur. It's 2 1/2 sdm of bumbu halus(bamer.kencur.rawit). Prepare Secukupnya of garam.kaldu jamur.air.merica.sawi putih. Seblak putih pedas step by step Iris nyerong tipis.sisihkan.tumis bumbu sampe wangi. Pecahkan telur.orak arik ya.. Beri air.mie kering yg sdh diremukan.lanjut masukan kerupuk.garam.sosis.kaldu jamur.merica...aduk rata.tes rasa. Terakhir masukan sawi putih aduk lagiii.udh deh jadi.

Easiest Way to Cook Perfect Baso aci sederhana

Baso aci sederhana . You can have Baso aci sederhana using 19 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Baso aci sederhana Prepare of Bahan baso aci:. It's 7 sdm of tepung tapioka. You need 6 sdm of tepung terigu. You need 1 siung of bawang putih. You need Secukupnya of garam, kaldu bubuk, dan lada bubuk. You need Secukupnya of air untuk ulen dan rebusan. Prepare of Bahan cuanki:. It's 5 sdm of tepung tapioka. Prepare 1 sdt of tepung terigu. Prepare 1 siung of bawang putih. Prepare Secukupnya of kaldu bubuk, lada bubuk, air untuk ulen. You need of Bahan minyak bawang:. You need 3 siung of bawang merah. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih. You need 50 ml of minyak. Prepare of Bahan kuah:. It's of Kaldu bubuk, minyak bawang, air mendidih. Prepare of Tambahan:. You need sesuai selera of Cabe bubuk homemade/ bon ...

Recipe: Appetizing Mangut Lele Buatan Sendiri

Mangut Lele Buatan Sendiri . You can cook Mangut Lele Buatan Sendiri using 22 ingredients and 10 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Buatan Sendiri You need 1 kg of Ikan Lele. You need 1 Butir of Kelapa Parut. It's 3 buah of jeruk nipis/limo. It's of Minyak Goreng. You need of bumbu halus. It's 2 cm of kunyit (opsional). It's 6 Siung of Bawang putih. Prepare 10 Siung of bawang Merah. Prepare 1 Ruas of Jahe. It's 3 butir of Kemiri. Prepare 1 sdt of Lada. Prepare 5 buah of Cabe Rawit Galak. You need 10 buah of cabe keriting merah. You need 5 buah of cabe ijo keriting. Prepare of Bumbu Tambahan. It's 2 sdm of garam. You need 1 sdt of kaldu ayam. Prepare of Gula merah. You need 1 ruas of Lengkuas Geprek. It's 3 lembar of daun Salam. You need 1 buah of sereh geprek. It's 3 lembar ...

Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can cook Mangut Lele using 14 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Prepare 5 ekor of ikan lele cuci bersih, lumuri air jeruk nipis. Prepare of Lumuri lele dengan ½ sdt garam, diamkan 15 menit, goreng kering. It's 6 siung of bawang merah. You need 2 siung of bawang putih. It's 8 bh of cabe merah. Prepare 5 bh of cabe rawit. You need 1 cm of kencur. It's 750 ml of air. Prepare 2 cm of lengkuas, digeprek. Prepare 2 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 3 lembar of daun jeruk. It's 65 ml of Santan instan. It's secukupnya of Garam. It's secukupnya of Gula pasir. Mangut Lele step by step Haluskan bawang merah, bawang putih, cabe merah, cabe rawit, kencur.. Tumis bumbu halus hingga matang, tambahkan air, lengkuas, daun salam dan daun jeruk, garam dan gula pasir aduk hin...

Recipe: Perfect Seblak ORI homemade

Seblak ORI homemade . You can cook Seblak ORI homemade using 16 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Seblak ORI homemade It's 1/4 kg of kerupuk kancing bisa diganti kerupuk bawang. You need 2 buah of sosis besar siap makan. It's 2 buah of tahu bakso ikan. It's 1 buah of mie kuning yang udh direbus, kalo tidak suka tidak usah. You need 4 buah of pentol udh dikukus. Prepare secukupnya of Garam. You need 500 CC of air. You need 1 sendok teh of Penyedap rasa ayam sesuai. It's of Bahan bumbu:. You need 3 butir of Bawang merah. It's 5 siung of Bawang putih. Prepare 2 ruas of Kencur. It's 1 sendok makan of Lada bubuk. You need of Minyak sayur untuk menumis bumbu. Prepare potong of Daun bawang dipotong -. It's of Cabe iris jika suka pedes. Seblak ORI homemade step by step Kerupuk direbus atau di...

Recipe: Delicious Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 36 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele It's of Persiapan lele. It's 2 ekor of lele. Prepare 1/2 sdm of asam mangga. Prepare 1 sdt of kunyit bubuk. You need 1 sdt of micin. Prepare 2 sdt of garam. Prepare Secukupnya of air. You need of Minyak utk menggoreng. It's of Bahan cemplung. Prepare 5 buah of cabe rawit. It's 2 buah of lombok ijo besar,,iris serong. Prepare of I buah tomat,,potong jadi 6. You need 1 sdt of air jeruk nipis. Prepare 300 ml of santan. It's of Bahan geprek. Prepare 1 batang of sereh. Prepare 2 cm of lengkuas. It's 2 cm of jahe. Prepare 2 lbr of daun salam. It's 2 lbr of daun jeruk. Prepare of Bumbu halus. You need 2 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 3 siung of bawang merah. It's 7 bua...

Recipe: Perfect Baso aci kuah segerrr

Baso aci kuah segerrr . You can have Baso aci kuah segerrr using 20 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Baso aci kuah segerrr You need of tepung tapioka. It's of tepung terigu (me.segitigabiru). You need of bawang putih haluskan. Prepare of Air mendidih. You need of Garam. You need of lada bubuk. Prepare of kaldu jamur/ penyedap. You need of Minyak goreng. It's of Bahan kuah:. You need of bawang putih. It's of cabe merah keriting/ sesuai selera. You need of bawang merah. You need of cabe rawit merah. You need of kemiri sangrai. You need of kencur. Prepare of garam. Prepare of gula pasir. It's of kaldu jamur/ penyedap. Prepare of air. It's of Seledri (me.skip). Baso aci kuah segerrr step by step Campur jd satu adonan baso aduk dan beri air mendidih sedikit ...

Easiest Way to Make Tasty Kerupuk seblak kering

Kerupuk seblak kering . You can cook Kerupuk seblak kering using 7 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Kerupuk seblak kering Prepare 250 gr of kerupuk warna warni. You need of Bumbu. You need 5 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 5 siung of kencur. You need 7 lembar of daun jeruk. It's of Kaldu bubuk. It's 3 sdm of cabai bubuk. Kerupuk seblak kering instructions Rendam kerupuk dengan minyak selama 20 menit. nyalakan kompor, aduk aduk sampai kerupuk agak bantet. Tiriskan. Iris daun jeruk, kencur, bawang putih. Kemudian goreng. Haluskan bumbu yang sudah di goreng, aku masukin ke plastik prempatan dlu bumbunya ya bun... Aduk di dalam 1 wadah kerupuk dengan bumbunya, masukan cabai bubuk dan penyedap rasa secukupnya...🥰.

Recipe: Tasty Mangut Lele Daun Singkong

Mangut Lele Daun Singkong . You can cook Mangut Lele Daun Singkong using 20 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Daun Singkong You need 4 ekor of lele. You need of Daun singkong. You need 1 bh of Santan kara. You need of Bumbu Halus. Prepare 7 of bawang merah. Prepare 3 of bawang putih. Prepare 1 ruas of kencur. Prepare 3 butir of kemiri. It's 5 of cabe merah keriting. Prepare 15 of cabe merah rawit. It's of Pelengkap. Prepare 2 lembar of daun salam. It's 1 batang of sereh. Prepare of Garam. You need of Lada. Prepare of Kaldu. You need 1 ruas of Lengkuas digeprek. Prepare of Kunyit bubuk. It's of Jeruk nipis. It's of Tomat. Mangut Lele Daun Singkong step by step Cuci bersih ikan lele, lumuri perasan jeruk nipis dan kunyit bubuk. Marinasi sebentar dan sisih...

How to Make Yummy Mangut Lele Pedas

Mangut Lele Pedas . You can cook Mangut Lele Pedas using 20 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Pedas It's 6 ekor of lele ukuran sedang. It's 1 bungkus of santan instan. It's 6 butir of kemiri. It's 10 siung of bawang merah. It's 6 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 1 ruas of jahe. Prepare 1 ruas of lengkuas, geprek. Prepare 1 ruas of Kencur. It's 1 ruas of Kunyit. It's 1 sachet of Ketumbar bubuk. You need 1 batang of serai. It's 3 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 3 lembar of daun jeruk. You need 5 buah of cabe merah besar. You need 10 buah of cabe Rawit merah. You need 2 buah of tomat merah. Prepare 1 sachet of masako. It's 1 sdt of garam. Prepare Secukupnya of minyak untuk menggoreng lele. It's Secukupnya of air. Mangut Lele Pedas instructions Be...

Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 18 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Prepare 1/2 kg of lele, goreng sampai garing. Prepare of Lengkuas. You need of Daun salam. Prepare of Sereh. It's 600 ml of santan (saya pake kara 65ml+air). Prepare 1/2 bh of gula merah. Prepare secukupnya of Gula putih. Prepare secukupnya of Garam. You need secukupnya of Kaldu. You need of Minyak untuk menumis. You need of Kacang panjang (optional). Prepare of Bumbu halus. Prepare 8 siung of bawang merah. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 6 bh of cabai merah keriting. It's 10 bh of cabai rawit (level pedasnya bisa disesuaikan ya). Prepare 3 cm of kencur (jangan diskip). Prepare 2 cm of kunyit. Mangut Lele instructions Tumis bumbu halus sampai wangi masukkan sereh, lengkuas, daun salam, kaca...

How to Prepare Yummy Seblak Indomie Bumbu Iris Simple

Seblak Indomie Bumbu Iris Simple . You can have Seblak Indomie Bumbu Iris Simple using 10 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Seblak Indomie Bumbu Iris Simple It's 1 bungkus of mie instan (aku pake rasa ayam bawang). You need 1 butir of telur. It's 4 siung of bawang merah. Prepare 3 buah of cabai rawit merah. It's 5 buah of bakso. You need 1 sdt of kaldu jamur. It's secukupnya of Kecap. Prepare secukupnya of Air. It's secukupnya of Minyak / olive oil. Prepare of Cabai bubuk secukupnya (optional). Seblak Indomie Bumbu Iris Simple step by step Iris sesuai selera bawang merah, cabai dan bakso, sisihkan. Tuang minyak / olive oil secukupnya ke dalam wajan, kemudian tumis bawang merah sampai harum dengan menggunakan api kecil. Setelah bawang harum, masukkan bakso dan telur, masak sampai sedikit ...

Recipe: Perfect Baso aci kuah pedas

Baso aci kuah pedas . You can have Baso aci kuah pedas using 17 ingredients and 9 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Baso aci kuah pedas You need of Bahan adonan baso aci. It's 8 Sdm of tepung tapioka. You need 4 Sdm of tepung terigu. Prepare secukupnya of Garam. You need secukupnya of Kaldu bubuk. It's 2 siung of bawang putih. Prepare secukupnya of Air panas. It's of Bahan untuk kuah. You need 6 buah of cabai keriting. It's 5 buah of cabai rawit merah. You need 2 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 3 siung of bawang merah. It's of Bahan pelengkap. You need 4 buah of bakso sapi. Prepare 1 of telur ayam (optional). You need 1 bungkus of sukro. You need of Dan jeruk limau/nipis. Baso aci kuah pedas step by step Siapkan mangkok ukuran sedang, tuang 8 sdm tapioka dan 4 sdm terigu di aduk rata sama garam, kaldu...