How to Prepare Yummy Seblak Ceker Eggless
Seblak Ceker Eggless . You can have Seblak Ceker Eggless using 13 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Seblak Ceker Eggless You need of kerupuk mentah. You need of ceker ayam. It's of daun sawi hijau. You need of daun jeruk. Buang tulangnya lalu iris tipis (boleh skip). Prepare of kecap manis. It's of garam. It's of minyak goreng. It's of Bumbu halus:. It's of cabai keriting. You need of cabai rawit. Prepare of bawang putih. Prepare of bawang merah. You need of telunjuk kencur. Seblak Ceker Eggless step by step Cuci bersih ceker ayam, sekalian hilangkan kukunya. Masukkan ke dalam panci, beri air secukupnya (sampai merendam) beri 1 sdt garam. Rebus sampai mendidih dalam panci yang tertutup dengan api kecil kurang lebih 30 menit. Lalu tiriskan. Rebus kerupuk hingga setengah matang. K...