
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2020

How to Prepare Appetizing Seblak Bandung

Seblak Bandung . You can have Seblak Bandung using 11 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Seblak Bandung It's 1/4 of ceker ayam. Prepare 1 bungkus of mie instan. You need 4 butir of bakso. You need 2 of sosis. You need Secukupnya of kerupuk udang. Prepare 15 of cabe rawit. Prepare 3 butir of kemiri. Prepare 3 siung of bawang putih dan bawang merah. You need 1 ruas of kencur. You need 1 batang of bawang daun. It's 2 lembar of daun jeruk. Seblak Bandung step by step Bersihkan ceker, potong kukunya lalu rebus sebentar ditambah garam, daun salam dan jahe. Ulek semua sambal, lalu tumis sampai harus tambahkan air. Cuci bersih ceker lalu masukkan kedalam tumisan sambal aduk², dan beri bumbu mie di tambah sedikit garam. Masukkan kerupuk,bakso, dan mie aduk² sampai mie tercampur dan k...

How to Prepare Appetizing Bobacireng (Bola baso Aci Telor Goreng)

Bobacireng (Bola baso Aci Telor Goreng) . You can have Bobacireng (Bola baso Aci Telor Goreng) using 8 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Bobacireng (Bola baso Aci Telor Goreng) You need of tepung tapioka. It's of tepung terigu. You need of garam. You need of kaldu bubuk. Prepare of telur. Prepare of air panas. It's of Topping:. You need of Bubuk cabai. Bobacireng (Bola baso Aci Telor Goreng) instructions Masukkan tepung tapioka, tepung terigu, garam, kaldu bubuk didalam wadah. Tambahkan air panas sedikit demi sedikit sampai terbentuk adonan kalis. Bentuk bulat-bulat. Rebus didalam air mendidih sampai matang. Siapkan telur yang sudah dikocok. Tambahkan minyak goreng, goreng bobaci dengan telur. Aduk sampai tercampur dan tambahkan bubuk cabai. ...

How to Prepare Tasty Seblak bakso ceker jontor

Seblak bakso ceker jontor . BAKSO LEGENDARIS LARIS MANIS DI SURABAYA : BAKSO PRATAMA ft Arumi Bachsin. Bakso Tewur dan Ceker Jontor, Pedasnya Juara! Seblak Bakso Tulang paha Ayam Padjadjaran - Purwakarta. Keyword resep seblak pedas, seblak ceker bakso. Lihat juga resep Seblak ceker jagung enak lainnya. Seblak juga dilengkapi dengan telur, irisan bakso dan ceker. You can have Seblak bakso ceker jontor using 12 ingredients and 2 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Seblak bakso ceker jontor It's of Bakso besar. It's of sosis sapi di potong sesuai selera. You need of Sawi. Prepare of Kerupuk yang sudah di rendam. It's of Ceker ayam yang sudah direbus. You need of Telor ayam. You need of Bumbu halus. It's of Cabe rawit. It's of Cabe merah. It's of Bawang putih dan bawang merah. It's of Kencur. You need of Penyedap rasa. Pa...

Recipe: Delicious Bakso Aci Kuah Kaldu Udang

Bakso Aci Kuah Kaldu Udang . You can have Bakso Aci Kuah Kaldu Udang using 19 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Bakso Aci Kuah Kaldu Udang It's of bahan bakso aci. Prepare 120 gr of tepung aci/kanji/sagu. Prepare 120 gr of tepung terigu. It's 3 siung of bawamg putih haluskan. Prepare 4 helai of daun bawang. Prepare 1 sdt of garam. You need 1 sdt of kaldu bubuk. You need 150 ml of air mendidih (kurleb) untuk adonan. It's Secukupnya of air untuk merebus bakso aci. Prepare of BAHAN KUAH :. It's 3 siung of bawang putih besar geprakkk. It's 1 sdt of merica bubuk. You need 1 sdt of garam. It's 1/2 sdm of kaldu bubuk. You need 1000 ml of air kaldu udang (dari rebusan kepala udang). You need of BAHAM PELENGKAP :. Prepare Irisan of daun bawang. It's Irisan of daun seledri. Prepare Secukupnya of ba...

Easiest Way to Prepare Tasty Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 18 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele You need 5 ekor of lele bakar. Prepare of Bumbu uleg:. You need 10 siung of bawang merah. It's 6 siung of bawang putih. It's 2 ruas of kunyit. It's 1 ruas of jahe. You need 12 of cabe kecil. Prepare of Bumbu cemplung:. You need 1 ruas of lengkuas geprek. It's 2 lembar of daun jeruk. You need 2 lembar of daun salam. It's secukupnya of merica bubuk. You need secukupnya of ketumbar bubuk. You need of gula garam. Prepare of royco. Prepare of kemangi. It's of santan kental. You need of bawang merah goreng. Mangut Lele instructions Goreng bumbu, uleg, masukkan dalam rebusan air.. Jika sudah mendidih, masukkan lele, laos, daun salam, daun jeruk, merica ketumbar, gul...

Recipe: Tasty Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 21 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele It's 4 ekor of lele segar. It's Secukupnya of kemangi. You need 1 batang of sereh geprek. You need 1 ruas of lengkuas geprek. It's 1 buah of tomat potong selera. You need 5 of cabe hijau iris selera. You need 65 ml of santan instan. It's 3 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 2 lembar of daun jeruk. You need Secukupnya of air. You need Secukupnya of garam gula. It's of Bambu halus. It's 3 siung of bawang putih. You need 5 siung of bawang merah. You need 15 of cabe keriting merah. It's 20 of cabe rawit merah. You need 1 ruas of kunyit. You need 1 ruas of kencur. Prepare 1 ruas of jahe. You need 3 butir of kemiri. Prepare Secukupnya of ketumbar. Mangut Lele instructions Cuci ...

Recipe: Perfect Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can cook Mangut Lele using 15 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Prepare 1/2 kg of Lele. Prepare of Bawang merah. You need of Bawang putih. It's of Lengkuas 4cm digeprek. It's of Kunyit. It's sesuai selera of Cabe rawit. You need of Daun salam. You need of Santan kara cair satu. It's secukupnya of Air. It's of Daun bawang. It's of Garam. It's 1/2 potong of Gula merah. You need of Rendaman Lele. Prepare of Ketumbar bubuk. It's of Garam. Mangut Lele instructions Rendam lele kurang lebih 15 menit biar meresap, lalu goreng hingga kering. Haluskan bumbu2 dasar yaitu kunyit, bawang dan cabai (bisa di blender). Tumis hingga harus dengan daun salam dan lengkuas. Lalu masukan santan dan gula merah b...

Recipe: Tasty Mangut Lele Daun Pepaya

Mangut Lele Daun Pepaya . You can have Mangut Lele Daun Pepaya using 19 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Daun Pepaya Prepare 1 kg of Lele. You need 3 lembar of daun pepaya. You need 1 batang of sereh. It's 1 ruas jari of lengkuas. You need 3 lembar of daun salam. It's 3 lembar of daun jeruk. It's 1 buah of tomat. You need 10 buah of cabe rawit. Prepare 1 sdt of garam. You need 1/2 sdt of kaldu bubuk. You need 1/2 sdt of merica bubuk. Prepare 1/2 sdt of gula. It's 1 sachet of santan instan. Prepare of Bumbu halus. You need 8 siung of bawang merah. Prepare 5 siung of bawang putih. You need 3 butir of kemiri. You need 1 ruas jari of kunyit. Prepare 2 buah of cabe merah. Mangut Lele Daun Pepaya step by step Cuci bersih lele dan rendam dengan air garam diamkan 15 menit ...

Recipe: Yummy Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 24 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele It's 5 ekor of lele. Prepare of Daun kemangi. It's secukupnya of Jeruk nipis. Prepare 65 ml of santan kental (bisa pake santan instan kemasan). It's 6 buah of cabe rawit. It's of Minyak untuk menggoreng. It's of Daun salam. It's of Lengkuas. It's 2 1/2 gelas of air. You need 1 sdt of gula pasir. Prepare 1 sdt of kaldu jamur. Prepare secukupnya of Gula merah. It's of Bumbu Marinasi lele. It's 2 sdt of Garam. Prepare 1 buah of Bawang putih. It's 1/2 sdt of Ketumbar. It's of Bumbu Halus. It's 5 buah of Bawang merah. Prepare 4 buah of bawang putih. It's 1 ruas of jahe. Prepare 1 ruas of kunyit (sangrai atau bakar dulu). Prepare 4 buah of kemiri. It...

Recipe: Perfect Baso Aci Homemade

Baso Aci Homemade . You can cook Baso Aci Homemade using 22 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Baso Aci Homemade You need of Tulang" ayam secukupnya. Blansir 10 mnt utk mengeluarkan kotoran. Prepare 1750 ml of air. It's 4 siung of bw merah, haluskan. Prepare 2 sdm of bw putih goreng, haluskan. It's 1 sdm of kaldu jamur. You need secukupnya of Garam dan lada. It's of Bahan Baso Aci :. It's 150 gr of tepung tapioka. It's 150 gr of tepung terigu serbaguna. You need 300 ml of air kaldu dari rebusan tulang ayam. You need 1 btg of besar daun bawang, iris halus. Prepare 3 siung of bw putih, haluskan. It's 1 sdm of bw merah goreng, haluskan. It's secukupnya of Garam. It's of Pelengkap :. It's of Siomay kering kuncup. You need of Pilus. It's of Keripik pangsit. Prepare of Daun ba...

Recipe: Delicious Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 21 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele You need of Bahan Utama:. Prepare 1 kg of Lele, isi 9/10 ekor. Prepare 500 ml of Santan. You need of Bahan Halus:. It's 8 of bawang putih. You need 10 of bawang merah. Prepare 10 of cabe rawit (atau menyesuaikan selera pedas). It's 5 of cabe merah. You need 3 of kemiri, disangrai. Prepare 2 sdm of ketumbar, disangrai. You need 1 ruas of kunyit. You need of Bahan Tambahan:. It's 7 pucuk daun of kemangi. It's 4 lembar of daun jeruk. Prepare 5 lembar of daun salam. It's 3 ruas of serai, geprek. It's 2 ruas of jahe, geprek. Prepare 2 ruas of lengkuas, geprek. It's potong of Tomat,. Prepare secukupnya of Air. Prepare secukupnya of Garam dan Gula. Mangut Lele instructions ...

Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Tahu bakso aci

Tahu bakso aci . Lihat juga resep Baso aci homemade enak lainnya. Tahu Aci Kering Cocok Untuk Isian Bakso Aci Atau Seblak. Cara Membuat Tahu Bakso Aci Pentol Tahu Cihu Aci Tahu Pletok Tahu Aci Enak Mudah. Bakso aci memiliki tekstur kenyal, berbeda dari bakso daging. Biasanya, bakso aci ini disajikan dengan kuah kaldu hangat serta topping lain yang khas. Seperti siomay kering, tahu coklat, hingga. You can have Tahu bakso aci using 11 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Tahu bakso aci Prepare 10 bh of tahu pong. Prepare 3 bh of bakso ayam (skip). It's of Bahan isian :. It's 150 gr of tepung tapioka. It's 100 gr of tepung terigu. Prepare 1 btg of daun bawang, iris tipis. Prepare 1/2 sdt of bawang putih bubuk. Prepare 1/2 sdt of lada bubuk. You need 1/2 sdt of garam. It's 1/2 sdt of kaldu bubuk. It's Secukupnya of air panas. Pre...

Recipe: Appetizing Mangut lele

Mangut lele . You can have Mangut lele using 18 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Mangut lele Prepare 1 kg of lele isis 8. Prepare 1 of santan kara. It's 1 buah of Lengkuas ukuran sedang. You need 1 buah of kunyit ukuran kecil. Prepare 1 buah of jahe ukuran kecil sekali. It's 1 buah of batang serai. It's 3 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 3 buah of kemiri. It's 1/2 sdt of merica. You need 1 sdt of datar ketumbar. It's 2 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 6 siung of bawang merah. You need 1 of gula jawa ukuran kecil. Prepare secukupnya of Gula pasir. It's secukupnya of Garam. You need bila perlu of Penyedap rasa. It's secukupnya of Cabai utuh. You need secukupnya of Asam jawa. Mangut lele step by step Goreng lele yg sudah di lumuri asam jawa dan garam agar tdk amis. ...

How to Cook Perfect Seblak Super Pedas Enak

Seblak Super Pedas Enak . You can cook Seblak Super Pedas Enak using 13 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Seblak Super Pedas Enak Prepare of Kwetiaw. You need of Kerupuk. You need of Bakso, sosis, fish roll (2 biji). Prepare of Sawi dan kol. You need of Ceker sebagai pelengkap. It's of Telur. Prepare of Bumbu. It's of Cabe rawit sesuai selera (saya min 10-15 biji cabe). Prepare of Kencur. It's of Bawang putih. Prepare of Garam, penyedap rasa. Prepare of Minyak sayur. Prepare of Air 700 ml / 1 liter. Seblak Super Pedas Enak step by step Rendam kerupuk 5 menit pakai air panas Angkat dan tiriskan. Ulek / blender Cabe, kencur dan bawang putih. Iris sayuran dan cuci bersih. Iris tipis bakso, sosis dan fish roll (Untuk ceker di rebus dahulu sampa...

Recipe: Yummy Mangut lele kemangi pete

Mangut lele kemangi pete . Lihat juga resep Manggut lele enak lainnya. Resep mangut lele ini bisa menggunakan lele goreng ataupun lele asap. Apabila menggunakan lele goreng, pastikan ketika menggorengnya jangan Setelah dirasa pas, masukkan lele asap dan ale. Panaskan minyak dan goreng lele dengan api sedang sampai matang. Sangat cocok dilahap sama nasi hangat. Biar lahap lagi bisa pakai sambal pete. You can have Mangut lele kemangi pete using 17 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut lele kemangi pete Prepare 1 kg of ikan lele. Prepare of Pete. You need of Kemangi. Prepare 5 siung of bawang merah. You need 3 siung of bawang putih. It's 2 buah of kemiri. Prepare secukupnya of Ketumbar. Prepare of Jahe. It's of Kunir. It's of Daun salam. It's of Daun jeruk. Prepare of Lengkuas. It's of Sereh. It's of Gul...

Recipe: Appetizing Seblak Ceker Telur

Seblak Ceker Telur . You can cook Seblak Ceker Telur using 19 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Seblak Ceker Telur Prepare 2 genggam of kerupuk udang. You need 1 buah of telur. You need 4 of ceker ayam. Prepare 1 buah of sosis. It's 4 buah of bakso. It's 1 buah of wortel ukuran sedang. You need 1 batang of pakcoy. Prepare 2 sdm of minyak goreng. You need secukupnya of air. You need of Bumbu. It's 3 siung of bawang merah. You need 2 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 1 ruas of kencur. It's 2 buah of cabe keriting. It's 7 buah of cabe rawit merah (opsional, sesuai selera). It's of garam. It's of gula. You need of merica. It's of kaldu jamur. Seblak Ceker Telur step by step Siapkan seluruh bahan. Potong bakso dan sosis. Cuci bersih sayur, lalu potong-potong. ...

Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 21 ingredients and 8 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele It's 6 ekor of lele, buang kepala belah dua. You need 8 of tahu kopong/gembos, potong jadi tiga bagian. You need of Buncis, potong seukuran 2 ruas jari. It's of Lengkuas, seukuran ibu jari geprek. It's 3 batang of serai, geprek. Prepare 4 lembar of daun salam. You need 6 lembar of daun jeruk. You need 1 buah of tomat, iris tipis. You need of Garam. You need of Gula. It's of Penyedap Rasa. Prepare Segenggam of cabe rawit utuh. Prepare 2 bungkus of santan bubuk ukuran 25gr. It's of Bumbu halus:. It's 6 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 9 siung of bawang merah. You need 2 sdm of kemiri. It's 3 buah of cabe merah besar. You need 1 sdt of kunyit bubuk. It's 1 sdt of ketumbar bubuk. Prepa...

Easiest Way to Prepare Yummy Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 18 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele It's 4 ekor of lele. You need 300 ml of santan. It's 150 ml of air. Prepare 5 of bawang merah. You need 4 of bawang putih. It's 15 of cabe kecil. It's 3 of cabe merah besae. You need 1 of lengkuas. You need 1 of sereh. You need 2 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 2 lembar of daun jeruk. Prepare 2 of kemiri. It's 1 ruas of kunyit. You need 1/2 buah of perasan jeruk nipis. Prepare 1 sdt of garam. Prepare 1 sdm of gula. It's sedikit of kaldu bubuk. It's 1 ruas of jahe. Mangut Lele step by step Lumuri ikan dengan sedikit garam dan perasa jeruk kemudian goreng sampai matang. Tumis bumbu halus(bm,bp,kunyit, kemiri, cabe) dengan sereh, lengkuas, jahe sampai harum,masukkan ...

How to Prepare Delicious Bakso Aci

Bakso Aci . You can cook Bakso Aci using 22 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Bakso Aci Prepare 3 buah of bawang putih (giling). You need Secukupnya of air. You need 5 bks of pilus 141. Prepare secukupnya of irisan daun sop. Prepare Secukupnya of bawang goreng. It's of Bakso Aci. You need 15 sdm of tepung terigu. It's 7 sdm of tepung tapioka. Prepare 1 batang of daun bawang (ambil daunnya saja, iris tipis). Prepare Secukupnya of garam. Prepare Secukupnya of royco. Prepare of Cuanki Lidah. Prepare 4 sdm of tepung tapioka. Prepare 1 sdm of tepung terigu. It's Secukupnya of garam. Prepare Secukupnya of royco. You need of Kuah. Prepare 1 sdm of cabai merah giling. It's Secukupnya of kecap manis. It's of sisa air rebusan bawang putih. Prepare Secukupnya of garam. It's Secukup...

Easiest Way to Prepare Delicious 38. Seblak Cireng Toge

38. Seblak Cireng Toge . You can cook 38. Seblak Cireng Toge using 13 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of 38. Seblak Cireng Toge Prepare of Bahan aci :. It's of tepung tapioka. Prepare of air panas mendidih. Prepare of garam. Prepare of Bumbu halus :. You need of bawang putih. You need of cabe merah. It's of kencur (kupas kulit). You need of Bahan pelengkap :. It's of bakso, iris. You need of sosis, iris. Prepare of telur. You need of tauge (50gr). 38. Seblak Cireng Toge instructions Campur tepung tapioka dan garam, tuang air panas. Aduk cepat hingga rata. Adonan memang menjadi lengket.. Bulat2kan adonan, tidak perlu bulat banget ya. (Jangan lupa selalu tabur tepung tapioka pada telapak tangan ya agar tidak lengket dan bisa dibentuk). Kemudian goreng aci hingga matang dan kering.. ...

Recipe: Delicious Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can cook Mangut Lele using 19 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Prepare 500 gram of ikan lele. Prepare 200 gram of santan kental + 300 ml air putih. You need of Bumbu halus :. It's 50 gram of cabai merah. It's 2 siung of bawang putih. You need 6 siung of bawang merah. You need 2 butir of kemiri. You need 1 ruas of kunyit. Prepare 1 ruas of jahe. You need 1 ruas of kencur. It's 1/2 sdt of ketumbar bubuk. You need of Bumbu cemplung:. It's 1 batang of serai. Prepare 2 cm of lengkuas. It's 3 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 2 lembar of daun jeruk. Prepare 1 buah of tomat (iris2). You need of Cabe rawit merah utuh(bisa di skip). Prepare 1 sdt of garam. Mangut Lele step by step Cuci bersih lele beri perasan jeruk nipis dan beri garam,, giling bumbu samp...

Easiest Way to Cook Appetizing Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele . You can have Mangut Lele using 19 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele It's 8 of lele uk kecil. You need of Bumbu halus. You need 5 of bawang merah. You need 5 of bawang putih. Prepare 1 buah of cabe merah. You need Secukupnya of cabe rawit (saya pake 20 biji). Prepare 1 ruas of jahe. Prepare 1 ruas of kunyit. Prepare 1 ruas of kencur. Prepare 2-3 biji of kemiri. Prepare Secukupnya of ketumbar. You need of Bahan lain. You need 2 lembar of daun salam. It's 2 lembar of daun jeruk. It's 2 batang of serai, geprek. Prepare 1 ruas of lengkuas, geprek. Prepare 1 bks of santan instan. Prepare 3 buah of cabe hijau, iris. It's 1 genggam of daun kemangi. Mangut Lele instructions Goreng lele. Haluskan bumbu. Tumis bumbu halu...

Easiest Way to Make Tasty Mangut lele asap

Mangut lele asap . Lihat juga resep Manggut lele enak lainnya. Jakarta - Ikan lele asap yang smoky aromanya dimasak dengan resep legendaris. PENGOLAHAN LELE ASAP PADANG Proses Pengasapan Ikan Patin Khas Kampar Saya akan memberikan dua resep mangut lele yaitu mangut lele Asap, dan mangut lele goreng. Inilah Cara Masak Mangut Lele Pedas yang Wajib Kamu Coba. Simpan ke bagian favorit Tersimpan di Bahkan kalau kamu ingin lebih serius, bisa juga mencari ikan asap sebagai alternatifnya agar. You can cook Mangut lele asap using 21 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you achieve that. Ingredients of Mangut lele asap You need 1 kg of lele. It's 3 lembar of daun jeruk. It's 3 lembar of daun salam. Prepare 5 cm of lengkuas geprek. It's 2 batang of sereh geprek. It's 7 siung of bawang merah. You need 6 siung of bawang putih. It's 2 buah of kemiri. It's 5 cm of kunyit. It's 3 c...

Recipe: Perfect Bakso Aci Kuah

Bakso Aci Kuah . Nah bagi yang ingin membuat bakso aci kuah garut yang enak, kenyal dan tidak alot, berikut Bahan-bahan dan Cara Membuat Resep Bakso Aci nya. Yuk di simak dan langsung dipraktekkan ya. Hallo semuanya, apa kabar 😁 hari ini aku share cara membuat bakso aci kuah pedas dan enak. Resep Bakso Aci Kuah Terenak Tanpa Mecin. Taruh bakso aci ke dalam mangkuk saji. Tambah pilus atau kulit pangsit goreng. You can have Bakso Aci Kuah using 23 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook it. Ingredients of Bakso Aci Kuah You need of Bahan Bakso Aci:. Prepare 250 grm of Gajih(untuk isian Bakso Aci). You need 500 grm of tepung tapioca. It's 2 sdm of tepung terigu. It's 5 siung of bawang putih. Prepare 1 sdt of mrica. Prepare 1/2 sdm of garam. It's 3 ikat of daun bawang (iris). Prepare 3 sdm of minyak goreng untuk menumis. Prepare 200 ml of air. It's of Bahan kuah Baks...

Recipe: Perfect 86. Bakso Aci

86. Bakso Aci . You can cook 86. Bakso Aci using 15 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of 86. Bakso Aci Prepare 1/2 kg of tepung terigu. Prepare 3 bungkus of tepung tapioka (Aq pake cap 3 bola). Prepare 1 sdm of merica (aQ pake ladaku). You need 1 sdm of kaldu bubuk (aQ pake royco). It's 1 sdm of garam. Prepare Secukupnya of bawang goreng utk taburan. It's 3 buah of jeruk purut utk pelengkap. You need of Bumbu halus. It's 9 siung of bawang putih. You need 1 sdt of ketumbar. It's 1 sdt of garam. It's of Sambal. Prepare 1 genggam of cabe rawit. It's 2 siung of bawang putih. You need 1/2 sdt of garam dan gula. 86. Bakso Aci instructions Siapkan bahan dan bumbu. Haluskan bawang putih garam dan ketumbar lalu masukkan dalam panci yg berisi tepung terigu. Tambahka...

Recipe: Tasty Bakso aci

Bakso aci . Resep Bakso Aci - Berawal dari saya yang doyan banget sama bakso aci. Sampai-sampai tiap minggu beli bakso aci tulang rangu yang dibeli langsung dari garut via online. Lihat juga resep Baso aci homemade enak lainnya. Berbeda dari bakso biasanya yang menggunakan mangkok, bakso aci ini disajikan dalam kotak makan berbahan karton. Love to sing eat cat If u want to make ur dream come true, wake up and see the world! Bakso aci pada dasarnya adalah bakso yang terbuat dari campuran tepung terigu dan tepung kanji. You can cook Bakso aci using 19 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you achieve it. Ingredients of Bakso aci You need 6 sdm of tepung terigu. Prepare 7 sdm of tepung tapioca. You need Sedikit of kaldu jamur. It's 1 siung of Bawang putih ulek halus. You need 1 of daun bawang cincang halus. It's 100 ml of air panas. It's of Minyak goreng. You need of Lada. Prepare of Tahu...