How to Cook Delicious Mangut Lele Asap (ala semarang)
Mangut Lele Asap (ala semarang) . You can have Mangut Lele Asap (ala semarang) using 16 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you cook that. Ingredients of Mangut Lele Asap (ala semarang) It's 4 ekor of lele asap (bisa diganti dg ikan asap lainnya). Prepare 1 of sereh. You need 2 of daun salam. Prepare 2 of daun jeruk. You need 2 iris of tipis lengkuas. You need 4 of cabe japlak (rawit setan) utuh. It's of Kaldu jamur (bisa ganti penyedap lain). You need Secukupnya of Santan (me: santan instan). Prepare of Bumbu uleg:. You need 3 of bawang putih besar. It's 5 of bawang merah. Prepare 2 biji of kemiri. It's 1 ruas of kencur. You need 1 ruas of jahe. It's Secukupnya of kunyit. Prepare 5 of cabe japlak/ cabe keriting merah (pedas sesuai selera). Mangut Lele Asap (ala semarang) instructions Oseng bumbu uleg hingga harum, kemudian ...