Recipe: Tasty Mangut Lele ---daun singkong---

Mangut Lele ---daun singkong---.

Mangut Lele ---daun singkong--- You can have Mangut Lele ---daun singkong--- using 21 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve that.

Ingredients of Mangut Lele ---daun singkong---

  1. Prepare of Bahan cemplung :.
  2. Prepare 1 kg of lele goreng ½ kering/kering (sesuai selera).
  3. You need 1 liter of santan kental/sedang.
  4. Prepare 10 lembar of daun singkong muda (pucuk).
  5. Prepare 10 of cabe rawit.
  6. You need 1 buah of tomat iris².
  7. It's 3 lembar of daun salam.
  8. It's 3 lembar of daun jeruk.
  9. You need 2 batang of serai geprek.
  10. It's 1 jempol of lengkuas geprek.
  11. Prepare secukupnya of Garam.
  12. Prepare secukupnya of Kaldu jamur.
  13. You need of Minyak goreng secukupnya untuk menumis.
  14. It's of Bumbu Halus :.
  15. It's 3 butir of kemiri sangrai.
  16. Prepare 2 ruas jari of kunyit bakar.
  17. Prepare 5 of bawang merah.
  18. Prepare 5 of bawang putih.
  19. You need 1 sdt of ketumbar.
  20. It's 1 ruas jari of kencur.
  21. It's 1 jempol of jahe.

Mangut Lele ---daun singkong--- step by step

  1. Haluskan semua bumbu halus kemudian tumis sampai harum.
  2. Masukkan santan dan bumbu cemplung lainya, kecuali lele. Biarkan mendidih koreksi rasa dan masukkan lele, setelah rasa dah pas matikan kompor, siap dihidangkan.
  3. Selamat mencoba 😘.


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