How to Prepare Perfect Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele.

Mangut Lele You can have Mangut Lele using 23 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mangut Lele

  1. It's 1/2 Kg of Lele.
  2. You need 500 cc of Santan encer.
  3. Prepare 200 cc of Santan Kental.
  4. Prepare of Bumbu uleg.
  5. It's 8 of bt Bawang Merah.
  6. You need 4 Siung of Bawang Putih.
  7. Prepare 2 of bt Kemiri.
  8. It's 12 bh of Cabe Rawit (bisa dicampur cabe keriting).
  9. You need 2 Jempol of Kunyit (Kunyit Bubuk).
  10. It's 1 Ruas of Jahe.
  11. Prepare 1 Ruas of Kencur.
  12. Prepare 1/2 sdt of Ketumbar bubuk.
  13. You need of Bumbu Aromatik.
  14. It's 2 of lb Daun salam.
  15. It's 1 ruas of Laos.
  16. Prepare 5 of lb Daun Jeruk.
  17. It's 1 of bt Sere.
  18. It's Segenggam of Daun Kemangi.
  19. You need 1 bh of Tomat (optional).
  20. It's Secukupnya of Gula.
  21. You need Secukupnya of Garam.
  22. Prepare Secukupnya of Bubuk Kaldu.
  23. Prepare of Minyak untuk menumis.

Mangut Lele instructions

  1. Siapkan Lele cuci bersih diberi bumbu garam,ketumbar bubuk dan kunyit bubuk, lalu di goreng sisihkan..
  2. Uleg bumbu hingga halus, kemudian tumis, sisakan cabe utuh..
  3. Jika bumbu sudah harum, masukkan bumbu aromatik, siapkan santan/ pake yg instan..
  4. Kemudian masukkan santan encer, beri gula,garam, bubuk kaldu, test rasa, masukkan lele goreng, santan kental, daun kemangi, cabe rawit utuh, bila sdh mendidih matikan kompor..
  5. Mangut lele siap di nikmati buat bukber #DirumahAja, jangan lupa beri taburan bawang gorengπŸ˜‹πŸ€—.


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