How to Cook Tasty #2 Mangut Lele kemangi

#2 Mangut Lele kemangi.

#2 Mangut Lele kemangi You can cook #2 Mangut Lele kemangi using 25 ingredients and 7 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of #2 Mangut Lele kemangi

  1. You need 4 ekor of lele.
  2. Prepare of Air.
  3. You need of Minyak.
  4. Prepare of Bumbu marinasi.
  5. You need 1 sdt of garam.
  6. It's 1/2 sdt of ketumbar bubuk.
  7. You need of Bumbu halus.
  8. It's 4 of bawang merah.
  9. You need 2 of bawang putih.
  10. Prepare 8 of cabe merah kriting.
  11. It's 1 cm of kunyit.
  12. It's 1 cm of kencut.
  13. You need Sedikit of jahe.
  14. It's of Bumbu cemplung.
  15. Prepare 1 of sereh.
  16. It's 2 of salam.
  17. Prepare 2 of daun jeruk.
  18. You need of Cabe burung bebas.
  19. It's 1 of tomat sedang.
  20. Prepare 1 ruas of lengkuas.
  21. Prepare of Kemangi bebas.
  22. It's of Bumbu perasa.
  23. Prepare 1 sdt of pres garam.
  24. Prepare 1 sdm of pres gula (me gula aren bubuk).
  25. Prepare 1/2 sdm of kaldu jamur.

#2 Mangut Lele kemangi instructions

  1. Marinasi lele selama 30 menit.
  2. Goreng lele, kalo saya suka yang garing.
  3. Siapkan bumbu.
  4. Tumis bumbu halus bersama bumbu cempung, kecuali tomat, cabe rawit dan kemangi. Tunggu hingga wangi.
  5. Tuang air secukupnya dan bumbu perasa, aduk tunggu hingga mendidih lalu masukkan lele goreng bersama potongan tomat dan cabe burung.
  6. Masak hingga meresep baru masukkan kemangi, tidak perlu di aduk..
  7. Tunggu hingga kemangi layu dan air asat, lalu angkat dan sajikan..


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