Recipe: Perfect Seblak Mie Nyemek

Seblak Mie Nyemek.

Seblak Mie Nyemek You can have Seblak Mie Nyemek using 14 ingredients and 5 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Seblak Mie Nyemek

  1. You need of kerupuk.
  2. You need of mie telur.
  3. It's of sosis.
  4. It's of telur.
  5. It's of gula pasir, garam dan kaldu bubuk.
  6. You need of air.
  7. Prepare of minyak u/ menumis.
  8. Prepare of Bumbu Halus :.
  9. You need of cabe merah keriting.
  10. Prepare of cabe rawit merah.
  11. Prepare of bawang putih.
  12. Prepare of kencur.
  13. It's of Taburan :.
  14. You need of Bubuk Cabai.

Seblak Mie Nyemek step by step

  1. Siapkan kerupuk, dan potong2 sosis, sisihkan.
  2. Masak sedikit air hingga mendidih, masukkan kerupuk, rebus hingga kerupuk lunak.
  3. Siapkan bahan bumbu halus, kemudian ulek hingga halus, panaskan minyak dan tumis bumbu halus hingga harum.
  4. Tambahkan air biarkan hingga mendidih, masukkan telur, aduk2, tambahkan mie telur masak hingga lunak, beri gula pasir, garam dan kaldu bubuk, masukkan sosis, aduk hingga tercampur.
  5. Terakhir masukkan kerupuk, masak hingga air menyusut, tes rasa, angkat dan sajikan beri taburan bubuk cabe. Nikmati selagi hangat.


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