Easiest Way to Cook Delicious Mangut Lele

Mangut Lele.

Mangut Lele You can have Mangut Lele using 17 ingredients and 3 steps. Here is how you achieve it.

Ingredients of Mangut Lele

  1. Prepare 1/2 kg of Lele.
  2. You need of Bumbu Halus.
  3. It's 5 biji of Bawang merah.
  4. You need 4 biji of Bawang putih.
  5. You need of Cabai 10biji sesuai selera.
  6. It's 2 cm of Kunyit kencur.
  7. Prepare of Ketumbar.
  8. You need of Merica.
  9. It's of Kemiri.
  10. It's of Bumbu lainnya.
  11. It's of Daun jeruk.
  12. Prepare of Daun salam.
  13. Prepare of Lengkuas.
  14. Prepare of Garam.
  15. You need of Gula.
  16. You need of Kaldu jamur.
  17. It's of Santan kara.

Mangut Lele step by step

  1. Cuci bersih lele, taburi garam, goreng kering, angkat.
  2. Tumis bumbu halus hingga benar2 matang. Masukan daun jeruk lengkuas daun salam.
  3. Masukan air dan santan, koreksi rasa. Masukan lele. Tunggu 5 menit. Mangut lele siap..


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